Results for 'Richard A. Vitale'

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  1.  30
    To serve with honor: a treatise on military ethics and the way of the soldier.Richard A. Gabriel - 1982 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    To Serve With Honor should be required reading for all members of the officer corps of the United States military. Beyond that, it should be made required reading for all United States military academies, ROTC and officer candidate programs. This treatise on military ethics goes a long way in bridging the gap between the military and society's understanding of the military's ethical dilemma. It is a must for the student of military affairs. International Social Science Review To Serve With Honor (...)
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    Assessment of paternity.Susan M. Essock-Vitale & Richard A. Vitale - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):672-673.
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    Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment (review).Richard A. Watson - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):142-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 142-143 [Access article in PDF] Wright, John P. and Paul Potter, editors. Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 298. Cloth, $72.00. The mind-body problem has a long history that begins well before Descartes made it extreme by presenting mind as unextended active thinking and (...)
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  4. The future of intellectual property.Richard A. Spinello - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (1):1-16.
    This paper uses two recentworks as a springboard for discussing theproper contours of intellectual propertyprotection. Professor Lessig devotes much ofThe Future of Ideas to demonstrating howthe expanding scope of intellectual propertyprotection threatens the Internet as aninnovation commons. Similarly, ProfessorLitman''s message in Digital Copyright isthat copyright law is both too complicated andtoo restrictive. Both authors contend that asa result of overprotecting individual rights,creativity is stifled and the vitality of theintellectual commons is in jeopardy. It isdifficult to evaluate the claims and policyprescriptions (...)
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  5. Should Antidiscrimination Laws Limit Freedom of Association? The Dangerous Allure of Human Rights Legislation.Richard A. Epstein - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (2):123-156.
    This article defends the classical liberal view of human interactions that gives strong protection to associational freedom except in cases that involve the use of force or fraud or the exercise of monopoly power. That conception is at war with the modern antidiscrimination or human rights laws that operate in competitive markets in such vital areas as employment and housing, with respect to matters of race, sex, age, and increasingly, disability. The article further argues that using the “human rights” label (...)
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    On public imagination: a political and ethical imperative.Victor Faessel, Richard A. Falk & Michael Curtin (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this wide-ranging and multidisciplinary volume, leading scholars, activists, journalists, and public figures deliberate about the creative and critical potential of public imagination in an era paradoxically marked by intensifying globalization and resurgent nationalism. Divided into five sections, these essays explore the social, political, and cultural role of imagination and civic engagement, offering cogent, ingenious reflections that stand in stark contrast to the often grim rhetoric of our era. Short and succinct, the essays engage with an interconnected ensemble of themes (...)
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    In Proximity: Emmanuel Levinas and the Eighteenth Century.Melvyn New, Robert Bernasconi & Richard A. Cohen - 2001 - Texas Tech University Press.
    In a world in which everything is reduced "to the play of signs detached from what is signified," Levinas asks a deceptively simple question: Whence, then, comes the urge to question injustice? By seeing the demand for justice for the other—the homeless, the destitute—as a return to morality, Levinas escapes the suspect finality of any ideology.Levinas’s question is one starting point for In Proximity, a collection of seventeen essays by scholars in eighteenth-century literature, philosophy, history, and religion, and their readings (...)
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    Maps for the Classical World: Where Do We Go From Here?Richard J. A. Talbert - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):323-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Maps for the Classical World: Where Do We Go from Here?Richard TalbertThe apa’s classical atlas project was conceived as the means to an end, and rightly so. Good maps were taken to be vital tools for understanding ancient history and culture at any level, and the ones available in the early 1980s were altogether woefully inadequate. The project was designed to fill this void by preparing a comprehensive (...)
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    What does it mean to be human?: reverence for life reaffirmed by responses from around the world.Frederick Franck, Janis A. Roze & Richard Connolly (eds.) - 2000 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    In an inspirational act of faith and hope, nearly one hundred contributors--social activists, thinkers, artists and spiritual leaders--reflect with poignant candor on our shared human condition and attempt to define a core set of human values in our rapidly changing socity. Contributors include: * The Dalai Lama * Wilma Mankiller * Oscar Arias * Jimmy Carter * Cornel West * Jack Miles * Mother Teresa * Nancy Willard * Elie Wiesel * James Earl Jones * Joan Chittister * Mary Evelyn (...)
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  10.  25
    Touch: Recovering Our Most Vital Sense.Richard Kearney - 2021 - Columbia University Press.
    Our existence is increasingly lived at a distance. As we move from flesh to image, we are in danger of losing touch with each other and ourselves. How can we combine the physical with the virtual, our embodied experience with our global connectivity? How can we come back to our senses? Richard Kearney offers a timely call for the cultivation of the basic human need to touch and be touched. He argues that touch is our most primordial sense, foundational (...)
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  11. Epistemology with a broad and long view.Richard Foley - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    'Epistemology with a Broad and Long View' is an original and provocative challenge to standard epistemologies that assume that the reasonability of beliefs is wholly a function of considerations indicating their current likelihood. Richard Foley argues that this view, although widely accepted, is excessively narrow. Foley argues for a less constricted epistemology that acknowledges that, in addition to beliefs and degrees-of-confidence, intellectual commitments play a vital role in our intellectual lives; that the key issue in overseeing all these attitudes (...)
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    Touch: Recovering Our Most Vital Sense.Richard Kearney & Jeffrey Bernstein - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):187-197.
    Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Richard. I think it would be helpful to the readers of the journal, if you first said a bit about how you would characterize the trajectory of your thought...
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    Philosophical Essays on Freud.Richard Wollheim & James Hopkins (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophers are increasingly coming to recognize the importance of Freudian theory for the understanding of the mind. The picture Freud presents of the mind's growth and organization holds implications not just for such perennial questions as the relation of mind and body, the nature of memory and personal identity, the interplay of cognitive and affective processes in reasoning and acting, but also for the very way in which these questions are conceived and an interpretation of the mind is sought. This (...)
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  14.  38
    Introduction: Rock Records.Paul A. Harris, Richard Turner & A. J. Nocek - 2018 - Substance 47 (2):3-7.
    Rock Records explores the intricate entanglements between Anthropos and Geos through a wide range of writings about stone, from media theory and ecophilosophy to the role of stones in art and the aesthetics of viewing stones. Authors engage the activity, vitality, and relationality of lithic matter and articulate multiple modalities of 'geo-affection,' as well as forms of geo-mythology, geo-sociality, and occult lithography. As the initial issue in a new digital/intermedial series of SubStance aimed at interweaving creative and critical work, Rock (...)
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    The romantic economist: imagination in economics.Richard Bronk - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since economies are dynamic processes driven by creativity, social norms, and emotions as well as rational calculation, why do economists largely study them using static equilibrium models and narrow rationalistic assumptions? Economic activity is as much a function of imagination and social sentiments as of the rational optimisation of given preferences and goods. Richard Bronk argues that economists can best model and explain these creative and social aspects of markets by using new structuring assumptions and metaphors derived from the (...)
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  16.  21
    Parmenides: The Road to Reality: A New Verse Translation.Richard McKim - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):105-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parmenides: The Road to Reality A New Verse Translation RICHARD MCKIM introduction i. In the history of Presocratic Greek philosophy, the poetry of Parmenides seems to loom up suddenly out of the blue like a spectral mountain peak. Depicting a vision of ultimate reality that transcends the sensory world, his towering verse manifesto revolutionized both how philosophers thought and what they thought about, with profound repercussions that still (...)
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  17. Political realism: Introduction.Richard North - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (4):381-384.
    Balancing practical and theoretical knowledge,Political Scienceis a comprehensive and jargon-free introduction to the fieldrs"s basic concepts and themes. This bestselling brief text uses diverse real-world examples to show students the value of avoiding simplifications in politics, the relevance of government, and the importance of participation. Written from Mike Roskinrs"s unique and engaging point-of-view,Political Scienceremains the best at providing the clear explanations, practical applications, and current examples that will welcome students to a vital field of study.
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    Erasmus of Europe: The Making of a Humanist.Richard J. Schoeck - 1990 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is an ambitious and wide-ranging biography of Erasmus of Rotterdam, one of the most famous Renaissance humanists. In part a riveting narrative account of the philosopher's journeys from his monastery to service with a great Burgundian bishop, and from there to Paris, England the Low Countries and Switzerland, this comprehensive and definitive biography also looks at the history of ideas in which Erasmus played a vital role. Covering the formative years of Erasmus the humanist, this new study makes full (...)
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    Body integrity dysphoria and medical necessity: Amputation as a step towards health.Richard B. Gibson - 2023 - Clinical Ethics (3):321-329.
    Interventions are medically necessary when they are vital in achieving the goal of medicine. However, with varying perspectives comes varying views on what interventions are (un)necessary and, thus, what potential treatment options are available for those suffering from the myriad of conditions, pathologies and disorders afflicting humanity. Medical necessity's teleological nature is perhaps best illustrated in cases where there is debate over using contentious medical interventions as a last resort. For example, whether it is appropriate for those suffering from body (...)
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    Autonomy versus exclusion in xenotransplantation trials.Richard B. Gibson - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (3):165-166.
    Kögel et al propose a multicriteria alternative to the standard early clinical selection method for xenotransplantation trials. As they note, existing recommendations for inclusion criteria indicate that only the most seriously ill—those lacking any viable alternative—should be considered for xenotransplantation. Rather than basing selection on, to put it indelicately, a Hail Mary in the face of certain death, Kögel et al recommend a selection system based on four ethical criteria: medical need, capacity to benefit, patient choice and compliance (the latter (...)
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    The Religious Background of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy.Richard H. Popkin - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1):35-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Religious Background of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy RICHARD H. POPKIN IT IS AN EXCEEDINGLY GREAT PLEASURE tO participate in the twenty-fifth anniversary issue of the Journal of the Historyof Philosophy.The editor, Professor Makkreel, offered me the opportunity to discuss the rationale for my present research, which I hope has some relevance for future research in the history of philosophy. At a symposium at the American Philosophical Association meeting in (...)
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  22.  18
    Law, Culture and Visual Studies.Richard K. Sherwin & Anne Wagner (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    The proposed volumes are aimed at a multidisciplinary audience and seek to fill the gap between law, semiotics and visuality providing a comprehensive theoretical and analytical overview of legal visual semiotics. They seek to promote an interdisciplinary debate from law, semiotics and visuality bringing together the cumulative research traditions of these related areas as a prelude to identifying fertile avenues for research going forward. Advance Praise for Law, Culture and Visual Studies This diverse and exhilarating collection of essays explores the (...)
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    Organizing and the Revitalization of American Catholicism.Richard L. Wood - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):398-418.
    American Catholicism today struggles to sustain its longtime character as a truly “public religion”—that is, a religious tradition with a vital presence within the public sphere in the US. Reinvigorating Catholicism in the US will require both internal renewal and new approaches to public life, both of which will require continuity with the deep tradition and significant reorientation of ecclesial dynamics. This paper argues that specific, faith-based community organizing practices can help renew the public voice of Catholicism. In adopting such (...)
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  24. Sextus Empiricus: The Transmission and Recovery of Pyrrhonism (review).Richard Henry Popkin - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (4):537-539.
    Richard Henry Popkin - Sextus Empiricus: The Transmission and Recovery of Pyrrhonism - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.4 537-539 Book Review Sextus Empiricus: The Transmission and Recovery of Pyrrhonism Luciano Floridi. Sextus Empiricus: The Transmission and Recovery of Pyrrhonism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Pp. xv + 150. Cloth, $54.00. This is a most important book for those who wish to understand how skepticism became a vital part of philosophy (...)
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    Access to essential medicines: A Hobbesian social contract approach.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2005 - Developing World Bioethics 5 (2):121–141.
    ABSTRACTMedicines that are vital for the saving and preserving of life in conditions of public health emergency or endemic serious disease are known as essential medicines. In many developing world settings such medicines may be unavailable, or unaffordably expensive for the majority of those in need of them. Furthermore, for many serious diseases these essential medicines are protected by patents that permit the patent‐holder to operate a monopoly on their manufacture and supply, and to price these medicines well above marginal (...)
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  26.  33
    What is Living and What is Dead in Marxism?Richard Norman - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 15:59-80.
    I make no apology for what is by now a hackneyed title. It derives, of course, from Croce’s book on Hegel, and I choose it because I want to suggest that the question ‘What is living and what is dead in Marxism?’ is the right question to ask. The analytical approach is appropriate if it means distinguishing and discriminating between different aspects of Marxism, and refusing to reject or embrace it en bloc as a monolithic creed. However, this does not (...)
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  27. The Theory of the Selfish Gene Applied to the Human Population.Richard Startup - 2021 - Advances in Anthropology 11 (3):179-200.
    In a study drawing from both evolutionary biology and the social sciences, evidence and argument is assembled in support of the comprehensive appli- cation of selfish gene theory to the human population. With a focus on genes giving rise to characteristically-human cooperation (“cooperative genes”) in- volving language and theory of mind, one may situate a whole range of pat- terned behaviour—including celibacy and even slavery—otherwise seeming to present insuperable difficulties. Crucially, the behaviour which tends to propa- gate the cooperative genes (...)
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  28.  28
    Oskar Piest, 1898-1987.Richard H. Popkin - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (2):345-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OSKAR PIEST, 1898-1987 Dr. Oskar Piest, who helped establish the Journal of the Historyof Philosophy, passed away at Sinsheim, Germany, in February 1987. He had studied theology and economics in pre-Hitler Germany, and became a banker in Hamburg. In 1934 he left because of his opposition to the Nazi government and went to Italy, then England, and finally in 1936 to the United States. After World War II he (...)
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  29.  19
    Thank you for your lovely card: ethical considerations in responding to bereaved parents invited in error to participate in childhood cancer survivorship research.Claire E. Wakefield, Jordana K. McLoone, Leigh A. Donovan & Richard J. Cohn - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):113-119.
    Research exploring the needs of families of childhood cancer survivors is critical to improving the experiences of future families faced by this disease. However, there are numerous challenges in conducting research with this unique population, including a relatively high mortality rate. In recognition that research with cancer survivors is a relational activity, this article presents a series of cases of parents bereaved by childhood cancer who unintentionally received invitations to participate in survivorship research. We explore six ethical considerations, and compare (...)
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  30. Presencing "communion" in chaïm Perelman's new rhetoric.Richard Graff & Wendy Winn - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):45-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.1 (2006) 45-71 [Access article in PDF] Presencing "Communion" in Chaïm Perelman's New Rhetoric Richard Graff Wendy Winn Department of RhetoricUniversity of MinnesotaOver the second half of his long and distinguished career, Chaïm Perelman reiterated the central themes of his theory of rhetoric many times. As the audience for his work expanded, Perelman was repeatedly invited to summarize the principles presented in La nouvelle rhétorique, (...)
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  31.  10
    The Promise of Phenomenology: Posthumous Papers of John Wild.Richard I. Sugarman & Roger Duncan (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    The Promise of Phenomenology: Posthumous Papers of John Wild includes articles that remained unpublished during Wild's lifetime, some of which he was preparing for publication, a journal that he kept, as well as a masterful exposition and commentary on Emmanuel Levinas' book, Totality and Infinity. This book gives a lively picture of a master philosopher at work conveying the vitality and importance of philosophy to everyday life.
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    LSDNA: Rhetoric, consciousness expansion, and the emergence of biotechnology.Richard Doyle - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (2):153-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.2 (2002) 153-174 [Access article in PDF] LSDNA: Rhetoric, Consciousness Expansion, and the Emergence of Biotechnology Richard Doyle I had to struggle to speak intelligibly. —Albert Hofmann on his self-experiment with LSD-25 Finding a place to start is of utmost importance. Natural DNA is a tractless coil, like an unwound and tangled audio tape on the floor of the car in the dark. —Kary Mullis (...)
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    NMDA receptors expressed in oligodendrocytes.Richard Wong - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):460-464.
    Oligodendrocytes are known to express Ca2+-permeable glutamate receptors and to have low resistance to oxidative stress, two factors that make them potentially susceptible to injury. Oligodendrocyte injury is intrinsic to the loss of function experienced in conditions ranging from cerebral palsy to spinal cord injury, focal ischaemia and multiple sclerosis. NMDA receptors, a subtype of glutamate receptors, are vital to the remodeling of synaptic connections during postnatal development and associative learning abilities in adults and possibly in improvements in oligodendrocyte function. (...)
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    The Role of Dorion Cairns in the Reception of Phenomenology in North America: The First “Born American” Phenomenologist.Richard Zaner - 2019 - In Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna, The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 131-142.
    In the first part of this Chapter there is a brief review of my personal experiences with Dorion Cairns, including how and why I came to become his Literary Executor. The Chapter then provides a focused overview of his philosophical life and central ideas, especially his life-long reflections centered on unraveling and developing appropriate language to express adequately and accurately the Husserlian conception of phenomenological method, especially evident, Cairns shows, in Husserl’s exploration of what, in his Logical Investigations, he refers (...)
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    Living With Contested Knowledge and Partial Authority.Jennifer Clegg & Richard Lansdall-Welfare - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):99-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 99-102 [Access article in PDF] Living with Contested Knowledge and Partial Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall-Welfare THESE CAREFUL AND CONSTRUCTIVE comments bring grist to our mill. Before responding to them, we observe first that they offer no substantive challenge to our thesis: ambiguities associated with meaning in the disabled life make it more likely that professional service providers will make dogmatic responses (...)
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    Ironic Life.Richard J. Bernstein - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    "Just as philosophy begins with doubt, so also a life that may be called human begins with irony" so wrote Kierkegaard. While we commonly think of irony as a figure of speech where someone says one thing and means the opposite, the concept of irony has long played a more fundamental role in the tradition of philosophy, a role that goes back to Socrates Ð the originator and exemplar of the urbane ironic life. But what precisely is Socratic irony and (...)
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  37.  12
    The Political Thought of the Irish Revolution.Richard Bourke & Niamh Gallagher (eds.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Irish Revolution was a pivotal moment of transition for Ireland, the United Kingdom, and British Empire. A constitutional crisis that crystallised in 1912 electrified opinion in Ireland whilst dividing politics at Westminster. Instead of settling these differences, the advent of the First World War led to the emergence of new antagonisms. Republican insurrection was followed by a struggle for independence along with the partition of the island. This volume assembles some of the key contributions to the intellectual debates that (...)
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    The Pimlico History of Western Philosophy.Richard Henry Popkin - 1999
    THE PIMLICO HISTORY significantly broadens the scope of Western philosophy to reveal the influence of Middle Eastern and Asian thought, the vital contributions of Jewish and Islamic philosophers, and the role of women within the tradition. Popkin also emphasizes schools and developments that have traditionally been overlooked. Sections on Plato and Aristotle are followed by a detailed presentation on Hellenistic philosophy and its influence on the modern developments of materialism and scepticism. Another chapter considers Renaissance philosophy and its seminal influence (...)
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    Healing Touch: Hermeneutics of Trauma and Recovery.Richard Kearney - 2020 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2020.
    This is an edited, abridged, and revised version of a chapter written by Richard Kearney which will appear in his forthcoming book Touch: Recovering Our Most Vital Sense to be published by Columbia University Press in 2021. The chapter in the book contains many extensions, footnotes, and references that do not appear in this paper. Many thanks to Professor Kearney for his permission to print a version of this chapter in the Journal of Applied Hermeneutics. Keywords: touch, trauma, healing, (...)
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    The Sceptical Crisis and the Rise of Modern Philosophy: I.Richard H. Popkin - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (1):132 - 151.
    This wall of silence has been broken in only a few instances. Pillon and Picavet in the 1890's gave some scant indication of the influence of Pyrrhonism on some aspects of modern philosophy. Various literary historians have traced the influence on Montaigne and scepticism on the general point of view of the 17th century. The studies, especially those of Boase, Busson, and Pintard, have indicated the tremendous importance of Montaigne's scepticism in the creation of the intellectual atmosphere of the 17th (...)
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    Philosophy of education, II: major themes in education.Richard Smith (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    A new title from Routledge's Major Works series, Major Themes in Education, Philosophy of Education II is a five-volume 'mini library' of the very best scholarship. It is an essential successor collection to Philosophy of Education (1998) (978-0-415-12944-2), edited by Paul Hurst and Patricia White, and described by the Bulletin of the UK-Japan Education Forum as 'indispensable for libraries'. Philosophy of Education (1998) was the first comprehensive collection of the field's canonical and cutting-edge research, and this new collection now takes (...)
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    Codes, Values and Justifications in the Ethical Decision-Making Process.Richard Coughlan - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (1-2):45-53.
    The resolution of ethical dilemmas often requires individuals to search for reasonable justifications to support their choices. Occasionally, such justifications must be made explicit to stakeholders inside or outside the organization. Other times, the justification for a decision will be known only by the decision-maker. In either case, the organizational code of conduct that governs the individual can play a vital role in providing guidelines about appropriate and inappropriate justifications. The present paper discusses the connections between organizational codes and employee (...)
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    Gadamer in Conversation.Richard E. Palmer (ed.) - 2001 - Yale University Press.
    This volume presents six lively conversations with Hans-Georg Gadamer, one of the twentieth century’s master philosophers. Looking back over his life and thought, Gadamer takes up key issues in his philosophy, addresses points of controversy, and replies to his critics, including those who accuse him of having been in complicity with the Nazis. A genial and direct conversationalist, Gadamer is here captured at his best and most accessible. The interviews took place between 1989 and 1996, and all but one appear (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and empire: universal rulers, local elites, and cultural integration in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean.Myles Lavan, Richard E. Payne & John Weisweiler (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The empires of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean invented cosmopolitan politics. In the first millennia BCE and CE, a succession of territorially extensive states incorporated populations of unprecedented cultural diversity. Cosmopolitanism and Empire traces the development of cultural techniques through which empires managed difference in order to establish effective, enduring regimes of domination. It focuses on the relations of imperial elites with culturally distinct local elites, offering a comparative perspective on the varying depth and modalities of elite integration in (...)
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    Peirce's “Paradoxical Irradiations” and James's The Will to Believe.Richard Kenneth Atkins - 2015 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 51 (2):173.
    In 1898, Peirce delivered a series of lectures titled Reasoning and the Logic of Things. Peirce scholars have found the first of those lectures—titled “Philosophy and the Conduct of Life”—especially perplexing.Some scholars have a decidedly negative assessment of Peirce’s lecture. Cornelis de Waal, for example, maintains that Peirce’s claims in the lecture are doubtful. He states that “Peirce... takes a radical stance, arguing emphatically that science should stay away from ‘matters of vital importance,’ moral problems among them, thereby denying the (...)
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    Atmosphere in Pragmatism.Richard Shusterman - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):1-24.
    ABSTRACT The concept of atmosphere is now central within phenomenology, critical theory, and hermeneutics, but it has not yet played a similarly significant role in contemporary pragmatism. Part of the problem is that the term “atmosphere” is not especially salient in classical pragmatism, though the ideas encompassed by that term do play an important role there. This article explores some important ways that classical pragmatist philosophy deploys the ambiguous, polyvalent, and lexically multiple notion of atmosphere. Along with its primary scientific (...)
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  47. Perspectives on Modeling in Cognitive Science.Richard M. Shiffrin - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (4):736-750.
    This commentary gives a personal perspective on modeling and modeling developments in cognitive science, starting in the 1950s, but focusing on the author’s personal views of modeling since training in the late 1960s, and particularly focusing on advances since the official founding of the Cognitive Science Society. The range and variety of modeling approaches in use today are remarkable, and for many, bewildering. Yet to come to anything approaching adequate insights into the infinitely complex fields of mind, brain, and intelligent (...)
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  48.  66
    Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis.Richard G. T. Gipps & Michael Lacewing (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Psychoanalysis is often equated with Sigmund Freud, but this comparison ignores the wide range of clinical practices, observational methods, general theories, and cross-pollinations with other disciplines that characterise contemporary psychoanalytic work. Central psychoanalytic concepts to do with unconscious motivation, primitive forms of thought, defence mechanisms, and transference form a mainstay of today's richly textured contemporary clinical psychological practice. -/- In this landmark collection on philosophy and psychoanalysis, leading researchers provide an evaluative overview of current thinking. Written at the interface between (...)
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    The Prosecutor and the Presumption of Innocence.Richard L. Lippke - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (2):337-352.
    In what ways is the conduct of prosecutors constrained by the presumption of innocence? To address this question, I first develop an account of the presumption in the trial context, according to which it is a vital element in a moral assurance procedure for the justified infliction of legal punishment. Jurors must presume the factual innocence of defendants at the outset of trials and then be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt by the government’s evidence before they convict defendants. Prosecutors’ responsibilities (...)
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    Louis Thomassin (1619-95), étude bio-bibliographique avec vingt lettres et deux textes inédits (review).Richard H. Popkin - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):264-265.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:264 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY right at hand, without getting in the way. If it had been printed in as readable type and as elegant form as Steinmann's edition, it might be the ideal easily accessible version to familiarize us with the Pens~es as they were actually written and classified by Pascal himself. RICHARD H. POPKIN University of California, San Diego Pascal. Quinta edizione riveduta e aumentata. By Michele (...)
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